Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Service Design


To redesign the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Experience. The PSO isn't just about the performance, it's about the holistic experience for each person goes, which includes what they do before and after the show. We found some issues that were unaddressed by the PSO: engagement with the PSO performance content, the transition period pre and post show, and the social interactions throughout the evening. 

Our goals were to enable people to self-curate an interactive PSO adventure, leverage neighbouring service providers to create a more cultural experience for attendees, and to foster mutually beneficial relationships between the PSO and neighbouring establishments. 


Our research included stakeholder interviews, competitive analysis, immersive experience by attending events at Heinz Hall, analysis of offerings on the PSO website and prototyping through our adventure book mock, shadowing and think aloud activities. 



Here are a few pages from our prototype. After participants fill out answers to the questions throughout the night, the answers are turned into a mad lib on the last page! This serves as a personalised memory of their adventure.